The "WE" Factor
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· 18 viewsImportance that we understand we are a community - not individually trying to make it.
24 And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works:
25 Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.
Modern conventional wisdom dictates that to raise a child it takes a village. Whatever your thoughts on such thinking...
I will tell you that to raise healthy Christians it takes a community.
The term “community” defined in sociology summary?
Community is any configuration of individuals, families, and groups whose values, characteristics, interests, geography, or social relations unite them in some way (adapted from Dreher, 20161). However, the word is used to denote both the people living in a place and the place itself.
We find that very soon after the “very good” declaration of the creation of man from God we find God declaring
18 And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.
It isn’t that God had to suddenly correct a mistake, but rather he had to show Adam that he wasn’t created to live in isolation.
The old adage “no man is an island” is true even of introverts -
We were and are created for community
It’s what some have termed the “We” factor
The church isn’t an “us” or “me” organization it is a “WE”
When we make church about the “me” it ceases to be worship of God and becomes a worship of ourself.
When we make church about the “we” we turn our attention away from ourselves and on how we can serve others.
To writer of Hebrews talks about the importance of “WE”
It’s sounds almost as if he is preparing a salad -
Let us
Let us
Let us
and in the midst of this “let us” he gives us some important principles of Christian community
‘us’ of course is referring to ‘we’ I want to talk to you about the importance of the “WE” factor.
1. The “WE” factor provides a place of thoughtfulness of others
1. The “WE” factor provides a place of thoughtfulness of others
The first thing we notice is...
Let us “WE” consider one another
To consider means we think on give careful consideration to one another -
This consideration brings about a connected ness that is exhibited by three features
A provoking or stirring up of love (affection that is unconditional or non-performance based - I only love you when… or I only love you if… etc)
A provoking or stirring up of good works - one good work seems to initiate or spread to other good works. Sometimes we call it paying it forward - but by doing good works - you cause the creative wheels in others to start turning - and they are stirred up to do good works.
what are good works? - Any work that helps out or benefits our brother or sister without any strings attached.
Two positives with a negative - a “not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together” - “WE” need to be together because “WE” need each other -
We need each other - for support
The huge redwood trees in California are amazing. They are the largest living things on earth and the tallest trees in the world. Some of them are 300 feet high and more than 2,500 years old. You would think that trees that large would have a tremendous root system, reaching down hundreds of feet into the earth. But that is not the case. Redwoods have a very shallow root system. The roots of these trees are, however, intertwined. They are tied in with each other; interlocked. Thus, when the storms come and the winds blow the redwoods still stand.
With an interlocking root system they support and sustain each other. They need one another to survive. So do we!
We need each other - for comfort
An ancient Christian document called the “Didache” was a resource for new Christians to be discipled into the church. It is a fascinating read - I would encourage each of you to look it up - you can read it for free online -
but one of its teachings was...
300 Quotations for Preachers from the Early Church Advice for Living in Christian Community
Seek out each day the presence of the saints, so that you may find comfort in their words.
Why? Because they knew the importance of the “WE” factor - if its just me - I will soon shrivel up and die - but the “we’ will keep us accountable and give comfort and strength.
The note struck in Hebrews 10 is that of provoking one another and of keeping together—both of which require initiative, the initiative of Christ-realization, not of self-realization. To live a remote, retired, secluded life is the antipodes of spirituality as Jesus Christ taught it.
Chambers, O. (1986). My utmost for his highest: Selections for the year. Oswald Chambers Publications; Marshall Pickering.
Being in community the ‘we’ factor - gives us Strength
Being in community the ‘we’ factor - gives us Strength
Being in community - the ‘we’ factor - helps us through Difficulties
Being in community - the ‘we’ factor - helps us through Difficulties
by allowing us to be transparent and open with one another -
In his novel Remembering, Wendell Berry tells the story of a Kentucky farmer named Andy Catlett. One warm summer evening, Andy and a group of neighbors are helping a younger farmer bring in a harvest of corn. Andy himself mans the corn harvesting machine.
At one point, the machine jams up and ends up drawing Andy’s right hand into its gears. In the confusion of the moment, Andy describes how he felt that he also had given his right hand to the corn harvester. Later, his wife asks him “What have you done to yourself?” With deep shame he replied: “I’ve ruined my hand.” Andy feels defective, and pushes away the very people that could help him heal and rebuild his life.
Andy Catlett eventually shared the shame of his hand injury with his fellow farmer Danny Branch. Berry's novel describes their relationship: “They learned how to work together, the one-handed old man and the two-handed. They know as one what the next move needs to be. They are not swift, but they don’t fumble. 'Between us,' says Danny Branch, 'we’ve got three hands. Everybody needs at least three. Nobody ever needed more.'"
This morning I am thankful I’m not out here on a journey trying to make it by myself - but that we have a community
there is a ‘we’ striving together
working together
worshipping together
stirring up one another together
loving one another
as we sang a little while ago - I’m so glad i’m a part of the family of God
and I’m so thankful for the family of God right here on third and Bebe